Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chevrolet Youth Soccer Clinic Information

Chevrolet Youth Soccer Clinic Information

As a part of the 2013 Chevrolet Youth Soccer Program, participants in your organization will be able to participate in an instructional clinic with local professional soccer coaches.  Participation is free, courtesy of your sponsoring Chevrolet dealer. 


Clinic registration begins promptly at Noon on Wednesday, August 21 at www.chevroletsoccer.com/clinics.  Parents can register their children (ages 6-12) at this time.  There is limited space for the clinic so registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.  Once the clinic is full, interested participants will still be allowed to sign up for the clinic but will be put on a waiting list.  If spots open up, they will be filled from the waiting list in the order in which they were registered.


Please see the available clinic below:


Date:  Sunday, October 6th

Provider:  Pittsburgh Riverhounds

Registration Time:  9:30 AM

Clinic Start Time:  10:00 AM

Clinic End Time:  1:00 PM

Clinic Address:  Greentree SportsPlex

                                600 Iron City Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments at 888-600-4369 or info@chevroletsoccer.com.

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