Thursday, January 23, 2014

3v3 Volunteers Needed

> Peters Soccer Families,
> Our inaugural 3v3 Tournament last year was a success. Much of that success was due to a well organized and well run concession area. We anticipate the tournament this year to bring in even more teams than last year. We will be looking for volunteers to help staff the concession stand, but first we need to fill a more important role.
> We are looking for one to three individuals to step up and chair the concession committee. Like last year, there will be two tournament weekends. This year, those weekends are July 19-20 and August 9-10. Depending on the number of registered teams, they could be either one day or two day tournaments. Obviously, we won't know for sure until closer to the tournament dates.
> The concession committee will be charged with organizing supplies and staff for the concession area. If this is something you can help with, please contact Greg Orphall at

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