Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This EMAIL BLAST is Going Away


This is the final email that will be sent using this email thread.  Thank you to Dave Vaughn for setting this up almost a decade ago!

We are closing down this field status email blast and converting everyone to our PTSA web based text system.

If you are not currently receiving field status text.  Please use the below directions.

1.  Open this link to the PTSA home page —

2.  On the upper right side of the home page you will see a green (open) red (closed) field status box.

3.  At the bottom of the Field Status box, there is a sign up option for text alerts.

4.  Click on that link and sign up.  


Thank you,
Matt Kulikowski
Director of Fields

Enter Your e-mail address below and you will be sent an e-mail when the field status has changed

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